Exhibitor profile


Stand 64a
55 avenue louis bréguet
31400 Toulouse

LinkedIn page
Chargé de Mission Expert - Transport Terrestre
+33(0)6 21 46 29 43
Chargée de mission communication
+33 (0)6 17 17 93 82
Transport authorities

The Occitanie Region supports companies wishing to do business and to set-up in Occitanie, and offers - with AD'OCC, its Investment & Trade agency - in-depth knowledge of the region’s ecosystem.

We offer you free consultation to support your location projects in Southern France. Our role is to support you with the set-up of your office, factory, or lab in Occitanie.  We also offer an in-depth knowledge of the local ecosystem including real estate, recruitment, legal advice and sectorial expertise.

For 25 years, we have been helping companies wishing to set up and grow in Toulouse and the Occitanie region.

Come and meet also TOTEM Cluster, the regional business cluster for rail, automotive and maritime industry. Exhibiting alongside AD’OCC, TOTEM boasts a membership of 160+ entities, including 65% of SMEs, collectively representing 50,000+ jobs.

Together, our vision is to transform Occitanie into a "Mobility Valley" within France!