Exhibitor profile


Stand 32a
An der Welle 3
60322 Frankfurt am Main

LinkedIn page
Cyrielle Clercy
Sales & Business Development Manager
Dublanc Florent
Sales & Business Development Manager
Digital technologies and apps/passenger information

ioki is the leading European technology company for digital mobility and a pioneer in autonomous driving in public transport. Since the company was founded in 2017, companies, cities and municipalities in 11 countries have relied on the expertise of ioki. With more than 130 flexible on-demand services and over 4.5 million passengers, ioki is the market leader for demand-responsive mobility in the DACH region. These include flagship projects such as ioki Hamburg (now hvv hop) and Germany's first self-driving public bus.  

The company offers innovative platform solutions for demand-responsive and regular public transport services, data-based transport planning and digital navigation applications for public buses. With its software-as-a-service and consulting services, ioki enables digital solutions for sustainable mobility. 190 employees from over 20 nations are working from Frankfurt on the vision of digital public transport. ioki GmbH is an independent subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn.

The company offers innovative platform solutions for demand-responsive and regular public transport services, data-based transport planning and digital navigation applications for public buses. With its software-as-a-service and consulting services, ioki enables digital solutions for sustainable mobility. 190 employees from over 20 nations are working from Frankfurt on the vision of digital public transport. ioki GmbH is an independent subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn.

ioki Analytics

Planification des transports pour une mobilité tournée vers l’avenir dans votre région

À l’aide d’analyses et de simulations fondées sur les données, nous créons une représentation de la situation actuelle de la mobilité et de l’offre dans votre région et l’utilisons pour formuler des objectifs clairs et concrets.

Profitez de nos années d’expérience en matière d’analyses de la mobilité fondées sur les données pour planifier la mobilité dans votre région. Notre base de données de plus de 70 millions de points de données est unique en Europe et constitue la base d’une planification des transports durable, efficace et innovante. L’équipe expérimentée et interdisciplinaire de Mobility Analytics & Consulting combine la connaissance du secteur des transports publics avec le big data et les technologies de pointe pour l’optimisation multimodale des services de transport.

ioki Platform

Your Platform for DRT and scheduled services

Optimise and digitalise your mobility services across all modes of transport and multimodal. The ioki platform provides you with advanced software that enables the integration of needs-based forms of mobility into both existing public transport and new systems – for both driver-based and autonomous transport.

One system for all forms of traffic

On-demand traffic

With the integration of on-demand solutions, we optimise existing transports via our operating system according to the demand and increase their efficiency.

Line-based traffic

Traditional line-based services can also be digitised via our platform solution – for example, to monitor capacity utilisation in real time.  

Mixed traffic

Our platform is as flexible and versatile as your traffic and is also suitable for the digitisation of mixed traffic.

ioki Route

Route management and navigation for public buses

Whether scheduled buses or rail replacement services: ioki Route is the solution for reliable and attractive public transport. Our solution speeds up driver training and makes bus routes easy to manage. Operations are flexibly tailored to respond to demand and road disruption.

The advantages of ioki Route at a glance

With ioki Route, the focus is on the driver: thanks to direct navigation guidance, vehicle-specific instructions and real-time updates on route changes, bus drivers can concentrate on driving safely and on the passengers. Even without extensive training, employees can use the application immediately.