Exhibitor profile


Stand 69a
Aarbergergasse 29
3011 Berne

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Digital technologies and apps/passenger information

Founded in 2016 by public transport experts, FAIRTIQ has become a significant player in the smart ticketing industry. Its 130 employees are spread across its headquarters in Bern and offices in Zurich, Paris, Berlin, Salzburg, Lisbon, Toronto, and Singapore. Over the past few years, FAIRTIQ has emerged as a market leader in mobile 'Pay-as-you-go' ticketing, serving a vast network of over 700 operators. Thanks to its innovative fare calculation approach, more than 150 million journeys have been seamlessly billed through its platform. FAIRTIQ holds a substantial share of the Swiss market, accounting for over 15% of ticket and day pass transactions. This success underscores its commitment to transforming the public transport experience and simplifying the way commuters travel.

Thanks to FAIRTIQ, there's no need to buy your ticket in advance, specify the destination station, or stress over zone maps. The cheapest fare for all journeys taken will be charged to you, regardless of how many times you change lines or modes of transportation.

The capabilities provided by our solutions allow for mastering multimodality, integrating new innovative fare structures, all without the need to invest in or modify existing infrastructure, hardware free!.