Conferences taking place in the Conferences, Studio 1 and Studio 2 areas will be simultaneously translated into English.
To enjoy simultaneous translation on your smartphone, don’t forget to bring your earphones!
Tuesday 01 October
GART-UTPF conference
10:00 am-11:30 am
Conferences area
Inaugural conference – Promoting more sustainable European mobility during the 2024-2029 EU mandate
10:15 am-10:45 am
Studio 2
Paragon ID and airweb – Ticketing, the Paragon ID and airweb way: digital, multimodal, multichannel and interoperable
10:15 am-10:45 am
Studio 1
JBM Group – Electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem
EuMo Expo event
10:30 am-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
11:00 am-11:30 am
Studio 2
Kempower – Electric public transportation: a profitable and effective solution for cities
11:00 am-11:30 am
Studio 1
EUROFIMA – Financing rolling stock purchasing for public services in France
EuMo Expo event
11:30 am-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
11:45 am-12:15 pm
Studio 1
Programme InTerLUD+ – The emergence of sustainable urban logistics policies; feedback on new forms of governance, action plans and dedicated tools
11:45 am-12:15 pm
Studio 2
GIRO – HASTUS: Maximising the efficiency of electric public transport operations
12:30 pm-01:00 pm
Studio 1
ANETRA – The role of the bus in sustainable mobility in Spain
12:30 pm-01:00 pm
Studio 2
MOBICOOP – Engaging local authorities at all levels in mobility governance: the example of the Bretagne region.
01:15 pm-01:45 pm
Studio 1
FERPRESS – Small buses for the last mile into the city. The proposals of the Italian Tecnobus for sustainable mobility.
01:15 pm-01:45 pm
Studio 2
SNCF Réseau – Adapting the rail network in the face of climate disruption
02:00 pm-02:30 pm
Studio 1
SNCF Voyageurs – Providing tickets for a region through a single information system; related issues and challenges
Exhibitor animation
02:00 pm-02:30 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) and Agence du climat – Facilitating daily mobility: mobility counselling
02:45 pm-03:15 pm
Studio 1
Egis – France’s Regional Metropolitan Express Services: a multimodal, rail-based approach
Exhibitor animation
02:45 pm-03:15 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) and Karos – Aut’Hop, the new carpool service
EuMo Expo event
03:00 pm-03:45 pm
Conferences area
The big picture: Where does AI fit in to it all? A conversation with Isabelle Ryl.
03:30 pm-04:00 pm
Studio 1
BlaBlaCar Daily – Artois Mobilités – A mobility service for every local municipality with BlaBlaCar Daily’s ride-sharing scheme
03:30 pm-04:00 pm
Studio 2
Keolis – Artificial Intelligence and Mobility
Exhibitor animation
03:30 pm-04:00 pm
Exhibitor stand
CTS, Grand Est Region (France) and Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) – Ticketing, a proving ground for innovations
EuMo Expo event
03:30 pm-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
GART-UTPF conference
04:00 pm-05:00 pm
Conferences area
Financing public transport: shared aims, differing approaches
04:15 pm-04:45 pm
Studio 2
Karos – Everyday ride-sharing: more hassle or more freedom?
04:15 pm-04:45 pm
Studio 1
Setec – Modal transfer and traffic plans: faster local decision-making thanks to a National Travel Model
Exhibitor animation
04:30 pm-05:00 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) (Quizz) – Employers: how to get your people on board with sustainable mobility?
EuMo Expo event
04:30 pm-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
GART-UTPF conference
05:00 pm-06:00 pm
Studio 2
EU funding & financing: a toolbox that deserves to be better-known
05:00 pm-05:30 pm
Studio 1
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) – Tramway urban challenges: perspectives from Strasbourg and Vienna
EuMo Expo event
05:15 pm-
Conferences area
Public Transport Innovation awards ceremony
Exhibitor animation
05:15 pm-05:30 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) – Sustainable urban logistics: a comprehensive, partnership-based policy
Exhibitor animation
05:30 pm-06:00 pm
Active mobility
Region Grand Est (France) – MaaS (Mobility as a Service), what does it stand for?
Wednesday 02 October
Technical visit
08:30 am-10:30 am
Installation of an autonomous, temporary concrete plant on construction site, supplied with materials by river
Technical visit
08:30 am-10:30 am
Discover the northern extension of the E tramline, a “garden tram”
Technical visit
08:30 am-10:30 am
Strasbourg’s REME (European Metropolitan Express Network), technical visit – part 1
Technical visit
08:30 am-10:30 am
Strasbourg’s REME (European Metropolitan Express Network), technical visit – part 2
Exhibitor animation
09:00 am-10:00 am
Exhibitor stand
Femmes en Mouvement – Breakfast with Patricia Solioz Mathys, Executive Director of the Lausanne region Public Transports
09:30 am-10:45 am
Studio 1
Sustainable Bus – On the way to a fully zero emission city bus market in 2035?
09:30 am-10:00 am
Studio 2
Equans – NAVINEO: a powerful solution to optimise transport network operation delivering attractiveness, energy efficiency, seamless travel and passenger safety
Exhibitor animation
09:30 am-10:15 am
Active mobility
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) – What is Europe doing for mobilities?
GART-UTPF conference
10:00 am-11:00 am
Conferences area
Europe’s industrial strategy: is mobility an opportunity to reindustrialise Europe?
10:15 am-10:45 am
Studio 2
SNCF Voyageurs – Travelling across Europe – a special focus on the high-speed offering linking France and Germany
Exhibitor animation
10:30 am-11:15 am
Active mobility
Region Grand Est (France) – Cross-border mobilities in the Région Grand Est
EuMo Expo event
10:30 am-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
GART-UTPF conference
11:00 am-12:15 pm
Studio 2
Tisséo Collectivités – Metros and city-building
11:00 am-11:30 am
Studio 1
Tott up – Experiences and feedback from successful bus restructuring projects
GART-UTPF conference
11:30 am-12:30 pm
Conferences area
Urban transport models that facilitate cross-border mobility
EuMo Expo event
11:30 am-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
GART-UTPF conference
11:45 am-12:45 pm
Studio 1
UTPF – Industry enablers: how can we attract, train, and retain?
Exhibitor animation
11:45 am-12:30 pm
Exhibitor stand
Quizz – Discovering Europe through mobilities
Technical visit
12:00 pm-02:00 pm
Discover the D tramline connecting Strasbourg (F) to Kehl (D), its infrastructure and the Deux Rives urban project
12:30 pm-01:00 pm
Studio 2
Algoé – Leveraging subsidies for innovation projects relating to transport and mobility: best practices and feedback.
01:15 pm-01:45 pm
Studio 2
Conduent Transportation – Supporting city transformation to host major events
01:15 pm-02:00 pm
Studio 1
Women In Mobility – Breaking Barriers in Urban Mobility: Addressing Workforce Shortages and Diversity for a Sustainable Future.
GART-UTPF conference
02:00 pm-02:45 pm
Studio 2
UTPF – Finding the right European framework to support rail freight competitiveness
Exhibitor animation
02:00 pm-02:30 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) and CEREMA – An express bus in the heart of the city, western Strasbourg setting the example
GART-UTPF conference
02:15 pm-03:15 pm
Conferences area
CVTCM-GART-UTPF – Calmer cities: walking and cycling show the way
02:15 pm-02:45 pm
Studio 1
Keolis – How DRT can facilitate the mobility of tomorrow?
Exhibitor animation
02:45 pm-03:15 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) – The northern tram: challenges and aspects of an iconic project
03:00 pm-03:30 pm
Studio 2
MACIF – Automated road mobility at the crossroads
03:00 pm-03:30 pm
Studio 1
Keolis – Keoscopie: is mobility gendered?
Exhibitor animation
03:25 pm-03:40 pm
Exhibitor stand
CEREMA – Bi-directional twin-laned busways, a tool for improving bus performance
EuMo Expo event
03:30 pm-
Conferences area
European ‘Talent in Mobility’ awards ceremony
EuMo Expo event
03:30 pm-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
03:45 pm-04:15 pm
Studio 1
CITiO – Better modal transfer thanks to data-driven transport networks
03:45 pm-04:15 pm
Studio 2
Ecov – Express transport for all French drivers
Exhibitor animation
03:45 pm-04:15 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) and Region Grand Est (France) – Snacking on REME, the European Metropolitan Express Network, between rail and road
Exhibitor animation
04:25 pm-05:10 pm
Exhibitor stand
Talk and Quizz – All about SERMs (Metropolitan Regional Express Services)
GART-UTPF conference
04:30 pm-05:30 pm
Conferences area
How digital technology is transforming passenger relations?
04:30 pm-05:00 pm
Studio 2
Karos – Setting up public-service ride-sharing schemes to form an integral part of a mobility bundle. The example of Eurométropole Strasbourg (France).
04:30 pm-05:00 pm
Studio 1
Cityway – Métropole Rouen Normandie’s MaaS solution: how innovation can simplify mobility and cut solo car use
EuMo Expo event
04:30 pm-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
GART-UTPF conference
05:15 pm-05:45 pm
Studio 1
GART – Transport network accessibility: the power of data
05:15 pm-05:45 pm
Studio 2
Setec – Structuring and managing data from different transport systems, from build to run: reports from the field
Exhibitor animation
05:30 pm-06:00 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) and CTS – The Chron’hop bus network: a driver for ramping up performance
Thursday 03 October
Technical visit
08:30 am-10:30 am
Visit to the depot and the maintenance services of the Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois(Strasbourg Transport Company)
Technical visit
08:30 am-10:30 am
Discover the Port of Strasbourg by river shuttle
Exhibitor animation
09:00 am-10:00 am
Exhibitor stand
Femmes en Mouvement – Breakfast with Alexandra Reinagl, CEO of Wiener Linien
GART-UTPF conference
09:15 am-10:15 am
Conferences area
Modal transfer in the village centre
09:30 am-10:00 am
Studio 1
AMTU – Flexitransport, the flexible on-demand transport system
Exhibitor animation
09:30 am-10:00 am
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France), Strasbourg Mobilités, CADR67 and VéloStation – The stakeholders in the cycling ecosystem
EuMo Expo event
09:45 am-10:45 am
Studio 2
Pitches by shortlisted start-ups in the Smart Move Challenge
10:15 am-10:45 am
Studio 1
CIFI – What skills are needed to develop mobility in Europe? The CIFI experience.
Exhibitor animation
10:30 am-11:00 am
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) – Vélostras: France’s first highservice- level cycle track network
EuMo Expo event
10:30 am-
Active mobility
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
11:00 am-11:30 am
Studio 2
SNCF Réseau – Innovations on the rail network designed to improve everyday mobility
GART-UTPF conference
11:30 am-12:30 pm
Conferences area
Energy transition: is decarbonisation plus cost control an unsolvable equation?
Exhibitor animation
11:30 am-12:00 pm
Exhibitor stand
Region Grand Est (France) – The Region Grand Est Cycle Plan
11:30 am-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
EuMo Expo event
11:30 am-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
GART-UTPF conference
11:45 am-12:15 pm
Studio 1
GART research: could self-service be a laboratory for the future of mobility?
11:45 am-12:15 pm
Studio 2
Padam Mobility – Transport for Persons with Reduced Mobility: how can full inclusion be achieved?
Technical visit
12:00 pm-02:00 pm
Visit of the SIRAC traffic control centre for traffic management and regulation
Technical visit
12:00 pm-02:00 pm
Visit of the European Parliament in Strasbourg
Technical visit
12:00 pm-02:00 pm
Strasbourg’s cycling ecosystem: infrastructure and services
EuMo Expo event
12:30 pm-
Conferences area
Smart Move Challenge awards ceremony
12:30 pm-01:00 pm
Studio 1
Laboratoire Aménagement Economie Transports (LAET/CNRS) – Is the capitalisation of transport in property prices a realistic solution for financing urban public transport?
Exhibitor animation
12:30 pm-01:00 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) – Sharing the public space: meeting the challenges of its uses
01:15 pm-01:45 pm
Studio 2
The Shifters – Mobility and local resilience
01:15 pm-01:45 pm
Studio 1
Shell SBRS – Plug in to the future! Charging solutions for bus fleet electrification
02:00 pm-02:30 pm
Studio 2
Carcept Prev – Handling conflicts and antisocial behaviour: supporting staff through the ‘Go well’ initiative (Transportez-vous Bien, TVB)
02:00 pm-02:30 pm
Studio 1
News Tank Mobilités – Mobility Authority Data
Exhibitor animation
02:00 pm-02:30 pm
Exhibitor stand
Region Grand Est (France) – The importance of DATA in creating a network hierarchy
02:45 pm-03:15 pm
Studio 1
The Shifters – A brief overview of the limits of low-carbon mobility
02:45 pm-03:15 pm
Studio 2
Laboratoire Aménagement Economie Transports (LAET/CNRS) – LAET’s training and research hub for jobs in mobility
Exhibitor animation
03:00 pm-03:30 pm
Exhibitor stand
Eurometropole Strasbourg (France) and CTS – Flex’hop on-demand transport: using data to understand uses
EuMo Expo event
03:30 pm-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
EuMo Expo event
04:30 pm-
Exhibitor stand
Special maintenance event – Be a maintenance technician
All our conferences will be translated
Conferences taking place in the Conferences, Studio 1 and Studio 2 areas will be simultaneously translated into English.
How it works is simple: scan the QR code displayed at the start of the conference (see below) with your smartphone, plug in your own earphones and enjoy your conference in English.