Registration for the European Talent in Mobility Awards is now open

Once again, it’s time for the European Talent in Mobility Awards !

As at previous editions, EuMo Expo will be honouring women and men working to promote public transport and sustainable mobility, with five awards in play.

There are sure to be colleagues and employees in your company, startup, local authority, institution or non-profit who are especially deserving of the recognition of their peers from across the sector.

Now it’s over to you to nominate one or more people from your own organisation or any other entity involved with public transport and sustainable mobility; self-nominations are possible, too. The deadline for entries is 21 July 2024..

A jury made up of members of the European press will meet
to decide on 2024’s five Talent in Mobility awards

A jury from six European countries will choose…

The jury for the European Talent in Mobility Awards is made up of six professionals from the specialist trade press across Europe, acclaimed for their expertise and commitment to public transport:

Luis Gomez-Llorente, Viajeros (Spain)
Robert Jack, Passenger Transport (UK)
Marie-Hélène Poingt, Ville Rails & Transports (France)
Annika Schoenen, Nahverkehrs praxis (Germany)
Riccardo Schiavo, Autobus (Italy)
Marcel Slofstra, OV magazine (Netherlands)

… five Talents promoting sustainable mobility

The European Talent in Mobility Awards honour professionals who stand out for their talent, innovation, and contributions to sustainable mobility. The Awards cover five categories:

Best young talent
Best manager
Best project manager
Special career service award

Plus the Web Users’ Award: you can vote for your favourite candidate from 22 August onwards!