Find out all about the keynote topics at EuMo Expo

As befits a Europe-wide event, our talks programme has a decidedly European feel.

Here’s a teaser of some of the main themes we’ll be looking at during EuMo Expo 2024:

  • Promoting more sustainable European mobility during the 2024-2029 EU mandate

  • Financing public transport: shared aims, differing approaches

  • EU funding: a toolbox that deserves to be better-known

  • Europe’s industrial strategy: is mobility an opportunity to reindustrialise Europe?

  • Urban transport models that facilitate cross-border mobility

  • Calmer cities: walking and cycling show the way

  • Modal transfer in the village centre

  • Energy transition: is decarbonisation plus cost control an unsolvable equation?

Stay tuned: we’ll be releasing more details soon!