The Actu-Environnement press group publishes daily news articles on the environmental transition undertaken by public and private players. It also provides an insight into the regulatory context, adaptation strategies and practical solutions. Actu-Environnement is the benchmark medium for ecological transition in France.
For more information: www.actu-environnement.com

AUTOBUS is the only Italian monthly entirely dedicated to public transport and collective mobility. 11 issues per year are linked to a digital platform consisting of a website , a weekly newsletter, the main social channels and the initiative Mobility Innovation Tour.
For more information : ww www.autobusweb.com
Autobuses & Autocares is the first independent magazine focused on passenger transport by bus. Well known by its accurate reports about brands and bus builders. Its exclusive and confidential information and its sections about new technologies and on board equipment for buses.
For more information: www.autobusesyautocares.com

AUTOCAR & BUS INFOS is the material reference for all coach and bus passenger transport professionals, with numerous vehicle tests, technical and regulatory news, company portraits, vintage vehicles that have left their mark, and the trade-in value of used vehicles. The readership is mainly made up of TRV company directors and workshop and fleet managers. Distributed by subscription.
For more information: www.autocar-et-bus-infos.com

Carril Bus, born in 2003, is a monthly professional magazine focused on the mobility sector and public passenger transport. Sent to all Spanish companies dedicated to the public transport of passengers by bus and coach, public and private, in the urban, interurban, long distance and international environment, Carril Bus addresses the situation of public transport in all areas: social, economic, political, legislative, commercial, human…
For more information: carrilbus.com

DVV Media Group GmbH, based in Hamburg, publishes a broad portfolio of publications for the public transport sector, which are market leaders in the German-speaking countries. For specialists and experts as well as for entrepreneurs and managers, we offer well-founded specialist articles from all segments of public transport as well as current news and background information.
DER NAHVERKEHR is the leading monthly magazine for public transport in the German-speaking countries. NaNa Nahverkehrs-Nachrichten reports as a news and information medium on all aspects of public transport – weekly in print and daily by newsletter. New mobility services are a regular part of the reporting.
For more information: www.nana-online.de

Ferpress.it is the first daily newspaper in terms of number of readers and pages published on rail transport, LPT, logistics, infrastructure, traditional and smart mobility. The 50 news published daily is also available in Dow Jones Factiva network. The evening newspaper is sent to 3,700 contacts. Mobility Magazine is a weekly interviews and insights on transport and mobility.
For more information: www.ferpress.it
Created in 2013, in just a few years Green Innovation magazine has become the benchmark information medium for technological innovation and sustainable development. It combines the editorial expertise of specialist writers, scientific experts and economic and political decision-makers around major thematic sections covering all the issues linked to sustainable development and technological innovation (energy, housing, mobility, CSR, training, etc). Each issue also includes around twenty pages of technology and scientific intelligence. Green Innovation is the only ‘green’ magazine to reach both a ‘Business to Business’ and a ‘Business to Consumer’ audience.
For more information: www.innovation24.news
Created at the end of 2015, Hydrogen+ magazine is the oldest and only international French-language publication dedicated to the hydrogen market, its news and innovations in the sector. Distributed at the main trade shows, digitally and by subscription, Hydrogen+ is a unique tool for informing and influencing the hydrogen industry. From the deployment of the sector to mobility, heavy transport and industry, Hydrogen+ covers all the issues that concern the sector and is a tool dedicated to its development. Hydrogen+ is also a partner of the main professional events in France and Europe, as well as the main associations in the sector. The magazine offers a wide and unique distribution surface to a target audience made up of industry players and decision-makers, as well as political and economic decision-makers and the ministries concerned.
For more information: www.innovation24.news/category/hydrogen/
Logistics Middle East has been covering all aspects of the Middle East supply chain sector for more than 13 years. It is firmly established as a must-read for all logistics professionals working in the region with analysis and discussion of industry trends and issues from the top executives shaping the future of the industry.
For more information: www.logisticsmiddleeast.com

Mobily-Cités is a brand committed to providing information on transport and mobility. With 26,571 digital mailings, 28,000 downloads of special issues and 78,000 impressions on LinkedIn, it reaches more than 150,000 readers. Mobily-Cités organises events and maintains high-quality press relations thanks to a network of experts. Every week, 24,047 recipients receive the week’s news.
For more information: mobilycites.com
Nahverkehrs-praxis is a well known special interest magazine for public transport. The content is specifically devised to readers from the public transport industry, transport associations and transport companies. In every issue, we focus on a specific topic.
For more information: www.nahverkehrspraxis.de
News Tank Mobilités provides real-time information and strategic data. 100% digital, neutral, fast and concise, News Tank Mobilités mobilizes a team of specialized editors, experts and contributors. News Tank Mobilités offers in-depth files, indicators, interviews and forums with leaders, analyses, as well as a directory of people and organizations in the mobility sector.
For more information: mobilites.newstank.fr

Objectif Métropoles de France is a quarterly magazine which features the latest news from France’s biggest cities and metropolitan areas. A benchmark publication in France, it covers the full spectrum of urban and territorial development. It is widely read by the main stakeholders in city life. Area-specific issues are published regularly, showcasing the strengths, attractiveness, influence and quality of life of France’s metropolitan areas. Objectif Métropoles de France is published by Eurocom éditions.
For more information : objectifmetropolesdefrance.fr

Every fortnight, Passenger Transport brings you unrivalled coverage for there UK public transport sector. Frequent and dependable, just like all the best bus, rail and tram services. A regular departure on the route to news, comment and analysis – a vital link for professionals and decision-makers.
For more information: www.passengertransport.co.uk
Just take a peek in our April-issue: https://bit.ly/PV0224
Contact Frans van der Werf – vanderwerf@bouwmedia.nl
For editorial info contact Wim Faber – wim.faber@challans-faber.eu
Pullman is dedicated to the world of people transport, Coaches and City Buses. In each issue, in addition to consumption tests, previews, surveys, market analyses and sector news, readers will find the second-hand vehicle price list – produced in-house – including the main models average values of the last ten years. The printed magazine is complemented by a website as well as social networks.
For more information: www.pullmanweb.it

Sustainable Bus is the only international media fully focused on sustainability and innovation in public transport. It belongs to the editorial platform of Vado e Torno Edizioni. Founded in 2018, it has established itself as an essential tool for professionals involved in the planning and implementation of low/zero emission public transport projects and operations. Daily-updated website is complemented by four yearly magazine issues, distributed at the main trade events worldwide and available online.
For more information: www.sustainable-bus.com
Transporama is the independant magazine for the du road transport sector with in-depth information about TRUCKS, COACHES, BUSES, VANS, PICK-UP, TRAILERS. Written for hauliers, technicians, independant drivers and professionals of the transport sector. Transporama has a circulation of more than 17.500 copies (nl/fr), a reach of 62.000 readers and a frequency of 7 numbers per year.
For more information: www.transporama.be

Via Libre is the leading Spanish railway magazine. Every month, it provides a treasure of information on a wide range of topics related to railways. It is edited by the Fundacion de los Ferrocarriles Espanoles, and its Editorial Committee includes representatives of all the public Spanish railway and metro companies: Renfe, Adif, the regional railway companies and all the metro companies in the country. Via Libre has over 5,000 subscribers and is highly appreciated among professionals and railway enthusiasts. It is considered to be a “classic” in the railway world, its first issue having appeared in 1964. It is distributed in Spain, Europe and Latin America.
For more information : www.spanishrailwaysnews.com
The magazine Viajeros with the widest distribution of the bus sector and the bus in Spain with more 30 years of history in the field of transport of travelers. In 1995 this magazine was born that few years later it becomes the Organization of the Bus, Coach, Midibus and Microbus Awards of the Year in Spain. Viajeros is distributed among Spanish passenger transport companies both public and private.
For more information: viajerosmagazine.com

VRT has been the leading magazine for transport and mobility news for over 30 years, at the crossroads of public authorities and industry professionals. At the heart of the issues, we also drive the market through unifying events and themed conferences.
For more information: www.ville-rail-transports.com
Zepros Territorial is the No. 1 media for local authorities, with more than 100,000 readers: local elected representatives and territorial executives. Free and accessible, it highlights the positive impact of local authority initiatives and is aimed at all mobility organising authorities: municipalities, inter-municipalities and mixed transport associations, départements and regions.
Read the latest issue of Zepros Territorial
For more information, contact Claire Dufour on 06 58 36 63 29 or c.dufour@zepros.fr
For more information: territorial.zepros.fr