European talent in mobility awards

Become one of the five ‘Talent in Mobility’ awards in 2024!

The European ‘talent’ in mobility awards honour women and men working to nurture public transport and sustainable mobility across Europe. The awards are an extremely effective way of highlighting European actors who, at various stages of their career, deserve recognition from the profession as a whole.

You almost certainly have some Talents to suggest to us from among those working with your enterprise, startup, local authority, institution or association!

Five awards in different categories

This prize has been created to reward a younger player in the sustainable mobility sector who has proved themselves in the course of projects developed within their organisation.
They will have shown themselves to be:
• creative,
• proactive,
• a good team player,
• enthusiastic.
• They must not be more than 30 years old.

This prize will be awarded to an individual (project manager, head of department, etc.) who has proved to be particularly outstanding in the creation, design and completion of a project.
They will have shown themselves to be:
• a leader,
• a good project manager,
• a good motivator,
• a good team leader.

This prize will be awarded to a recognised manager or policymaker in the sector, who in addition to their technical skills used in their job, has put into play undisputed managerial qualities:
They will have shown themselves to be:
• coordinating all the internal and external stakeholders in a project,
• successfully conducting an outstanding and/or innovative project,
• demonstrating a high level of commitment to mobility.

This award will go to an individual who is well- known nationally or across Europe for services rendered to the sector throughout their career. The person must have made a significant, positive impact on the world of public transport through a distinctive contribution, product, practical achievement, advance, innovation, unifying action or other success. They must be wholeheartedly committed to sustainable mobility.

The winner of this prize will be determined by the outcome of a vote by professionals on the Exhibition website, A shortlist of candidates will be presented for each category.

Web users will be able to vote to select a winner on the basis of their outstanding career or remarkable profile, thus recognising their professional commitment. The winner will be determined on the basis of the total number of votes cast for all categories.

How to get involved?

Who can suggest candidates?

Anyone in the public transport or sustainable mobility sector in Europe may fill in an entry form to put forward one or more candidates, in one or more categories.

Different people from the same entity (company, local authority, associatio, etc.) are free to submit separate entries.

Who can I enter as a candidate?

Anyone working in mobility in any European country can be a candidate, wheter they are part of an industrial company, operator, transport organising authority, local authority, service company, non-profit organisation, ministry or government department, etc.

You can enter somebody as a candidate from within your own organisation or from another body.


July 21, 24 2024: entry form submission deadline.

August 22,2024: online voting by Internet users.

September 5, 2024: end of the online voting by Internet users.

October 2, 2024: awards ceremony for the five winning Talents at European Mobility Expo 2024 in Strasbourg, in the presence of officials, members of the panel, partners, the European press and others.

The Talents panel 2024

The panel is composed of European journalists specialising in the transport sector. They have been chosen for their expertise and familiarity with the industry as a whole. They are independent of the Exhibition organisers. The panel will make one award per category, and reserves the right to move a candidate from one category to another if appropriate.

Panel members:

 Viajeros, Luis GOMEZ-LLORENTE, Spain
– Passenger Transport, Robert JACK, United Kingdom
– Ville Rail & Transports, Marie-Hélène POINGT, France
 Autobus, Riccardo SCHIAVO, Italy
– Nahverkerhrs praxis, Annika SCHOENEN, Germany
– OV magazine, Marcel SLOFSTRA, The Netherlands

The five Talent awards 2022 are

Best young Talent:

>> Laura BARTRAM

Best project manager:

>> Mohamed HAMISSI

Best manager:


Special career service award:

>> Noël BARRIOL 

Internet users’ award:

>> Benjamin BEAUDET

Watch the 2022 Talent in Mobility awards ceremony

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