During your visit, make sure to stop off at the Active Mobility Space organised by Club des villes et des territoires cyclables et marchables (CVTCM), France’s club of cycle and pedestrian-friendly towns and territories. The goal of this Space is to promote walking and cycling. Strasbourg’s the right place to find out more, too: it’s ranked as France’s most cycle-friendly city!

Over 30 exhibitors are expected in the Active Mobility Space for European Mobility Expo 2024 to present their products and latest innovations. Among them will be manufacturers, bicycle fleets suppliers, parking amenities providers, bicycle renting specialists, consultancies, regional clusters, networks, NGOs and others.
A series of conferences and debates will be held at the centre of the Space with the attendance of key international and local decision makers including public representatives, technicians, planners, consultants and others. Walking and cycling tours will also be offered to participants. CVTCM will be inviting its members to its general get-together event, held alongside the Expo in another location.
For more details, please contact:
Bruno Mc Kay
+33 (0)1 42 31 22 22
The Active Mobility Space 2022 in pictures...
The Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables
The Club des villes et territoires cyclables et marchables is a key promoter of active mobility since 1989. A non-partisan organisation, CVTCM represents 250 local authorities of all levels and sizes throughout France. Its work focuses on improving cyclability and walkability in metropolises, medium-sized cities, as well as in lesser dense areas. CVTCM also leads advocacy actions by, for instance, demanding the implementation of a multiannual National Plan for Active Modes, with funding of €500 million per year.
CVTCM regularly conducts workshops and free training courses for its members. During these events, CVTCM allows for local representatives and technicians to share their experiences with their peers, learn from each other, and get access to CVTCM’s latest publications and resources. EuMo Expo is a key event in the cycling and walking ecosystem.